Recruiters ask themselves the following question, day after day: how do I reach the most talented candidates for my vacancies? How do I catch them quickly, and get them eager enough to apply? In this day and age, the answers to these questions are mostly found in the domain of technology, because technology connects us. And what happens to be the ultimate symbol of technology? That’s right, our mobile phone: our soul companion with which we spend more hours than with anything, or anyone else.
Via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, E-Mail, SMS, vacancy websites, and ads on apps: smartphone users are constantly confronted with vacancies and the job market. This gives recruiters a fair reason to reconsider their approach. It’s truly time for a mobile recruitment strategy, now more than ever!
But how do you develop a mobile recruitment strategy?
Make everything mobile-friendly
Once you commit to mobile recruitment, you commit to making your organisation’s landing page, the vacancy page, and all other pages the applicant will encounter entirely mobile-friendly.
Fast loading speed, a clear overview, and user-friendly are the key factors when it comes to the design of a mobile-friendly website. 💭 Consider the following points:
A mobile webpage can only scroll from top to bottom. If visitors also need to swipe from left to right, they probably won’t find everything they need.
Text has to be easily readable without the need to zoom in.
The pages should be mobile-friendly for all mobile devices: both smartphones and tablets.
The layout should be optimised and adjusted to a small screen.
Visual elements should load quickly.
Video and audio should be able to play simultaneously.
Set up a mobile application process
After you’ve achieved to attract and excite your potential candidates, you should make sure that they can easily apply via their mobile device. People spend most of their day on their smartphones, so you can assume that that’s how they’ll prefer to apply.
Don’t ask your candidates for a long and complicated cover letter, a profile text of at least 300 words, or an extensive CV just yet. You can ask for these in the next phase of the application process. Stick to what’s important and ensure a fully mobile application process. ✔️
The way we work at Sympl is a shining example of an optimal mobile application process. The candidates who show interest through one of our Facebook ads are prompted to click through to the relevant webpage straight away. This page is, of course, fully mobile-friendly. The first step in the application process is to fill out a short online questionnaire. ✏️
The mobile application process gives us a double advantage: your candidate is part of the process immediately, and you can have a sift through the pool of candidates by asking for details like relevant skills or salary expectations.
Mobile Communication
The means to communicate with candidates has also changed with the need for an optimal mobile recruitment strategy. If you publish a vacancy, you should take note that every social media platform requires a different format for your visuals. 🖼 A visual that looks stunning on Facebook could lose information if you post it on LinkedIn as well.
Thanks to the mobile approach, we can now communicate with candidates who are already active in the application process. You can send them push notifications that reach their inbox, bypassing the revered spam folder, via Whatsapp, sms, or Facebook Messenger. 💬 Bear in mind though, that your messages should be shortened significantly if you’re communicating via mobile devices. Personally sending your candidates ads is an absolute no go. You can, however, send them a text with a reminder to send their CV through. That is one of the methods we use at sympl.
Go mobile
Would you like to reach your candidates in a more modern, direct, and fast way? Consider using our optimal mobile recruitment strategy. The switch to mobile recruitment will probably go hand in hand with a change in mentality, but it can only be positive in the long run. Those who are fishing in a brimming pond should probably use a different fishing rod! 🎣