A ‘pool’ of passive candidates
A Talent Pipeline is a ‘pool’ of passive candidates you already know to be perfect for certain vacancies. They are pretty much qualified and ready to fill any relevant role. 🖊️
It forces you to approach your candidates in a fully proactive way. Instead of searching for the perfect candidate for every vacancy, you’ll find the perfect vacancy for each candidate in your Talent Pipeline.
Why the Talent Pipeline?
Did you know that the average recruitment process in Belgium takes up to 2 months? Both recruiters and candidates tend to get frustrated with the sheer length of the process. However, recruiting with the help of a Talent Pipeline can almost triple the speed of the entire process. ⏱ You won’t need to cast your fishing rod in the sea of candidates over and over again because you’ll already have a Pipeline with candidates you know will be a great fit.
Time is money! Not only does a Pipeline speed things up, but it also costs a lot less. 💰 You don’t have to spend as much on attracting potential candidates as you’ll already have a pool of them waiting for you.
How do you create it?
A Talent Pipeline works proactively rather than reactively. This means that the process will run smoothly as soon as you have your Talent Pipeline set up. But creating it is a whole different story. You’ll need to invest a significant amount of time to gain the perfect 👌 Talent Pipeline.
There are three steps to work through:
1) Create the Pipeline: before you start the search for candidates, you need to think about the type of candidates you need for your Talent Pipeline.
Identify the hard-to-fill jobs and think about your organisation’s plans for the future. What kind of roles will you need to fill now, tomorrow, or in a few years’ time? What kind of people will you need for these roles? Permanent employees, freelancers,… try to draw up a clear plan that suits your organisation.
2) Source candidates: now that you’ve laid a base for your Talent Pipeline, you can start looking for the right talent via channels you collect in your ATS system along the way. You’ll know where to look because you’ve already identified the kind of people you need to fill the different positions. Do you want to recruit highly experienced employees? Take a deep dive into Linkedin profiles, publish social media ads, use retargeting methods,… It’s important to adjust your strategy to the type of candidate you’re after.
3) Keep the candidates warm🌡️: make sure your candidates stay interested and that they don’t feel cast aside.
Many companies get in touch with students years before they are due to graduate. The students were kept warm through internship offers and regular updates. These students then are, be it unknowingly, already part of the organisation’s Talent Pipeline.
4) Repeat. 🔁
Create, Source, Keep them warm, Repeat
Do you feel motivated to create your Talent Pipeline yet? We hope that our tips have given you a kickstart! 💁♀️