Resources: Craft the perfect recruitment advertising campaign


Whether you want to know more about data-driven recruitment, recruiting on Facebook & Instagram or just online recruitment in general. This is the place to be!

On this page you will find all the necessary info to become a master in recruitment yourself, so you can find the right candidate for your vacancy in no time.

Interested in setting up recruitment campaigns with sympl?

Get started


Our webinars about online recruitment are given live so you can ask any question you might have. Register in our academy to stay up to date on the latest subjects. But you can download the recordings here for free and learn all our best practices.

sympl webinar: Reach passive candidates on FB & IG

Recruiting on Facebook & Instagram


Want to reach job seekers where they are the most? In less than an hour, you'll learn how to reach passive job seekers, what the power of the Facebook Pixel is and how recruiting on social media increases your ROI.

sympl webinar: The ins and outs of data driven talent acquisition a

Data-driven recruitment


Do you want to get more inflow for your vacancy? In less than an hour, you’ll learn everything about measuring data : what keeps candidates engaged, how long do they stay on your vacancy page and how many end up applying.

Workshop: How to set up a successful Facebook campaign

Recruiting on Facebook & Instagram

Practical workshop

Request the recordings of our hands-on workshop here. In addition to our webinar on Recruiting on Facebook and Instagram, where we look at the theoretical aspect of Facebook recruiting, here, we take a deep dive into Facebook Ads Manager together.

White papers

Our white papers make up a rich library of knowledge. Put your reading glasses on and find in-depth knowhow about online recruitment.

sympl white-paper: What is data driven recruitment?

Data-driven recruitment

White paper

No clue what Data-Driven Recruitment is all about? It’s about measuring all the actions you take to recruit great talent so you can adjust your recruitment strategy accordingly. Ready to win the race for talent?

sympl white paper: Recruit passive job seekers on FB & IG

Recruit via Facebook & Instagram

White paper

While HR professionals often come into contact with actively seeking job seekers, it’s more interesting to reach passive job seekers. Read here how to reach these last ones via recruitment campaigns on social media!

sympl uses targeted advertisement to attract applicants

Stijn Dammekens

Talent Acquisition Specialist

VPK - Packaging group

"The big advantage is that sympl has the knowledge 

and experience to optimize recruitment campaigns on social media." 


Sit back, relax, and join us as we delve into the captivating world of online recruitment in our podcast episodes.


Don’t miss a thing! For quick answers and facts, check out our checklists, and keep your online recruitment looking sharp.

Checklist: How to create a successful vacancy page?

Tips for a successful vacancy


A good vacancy page is about more than just attractive copy… From crafting a mobile friendly vacancy page to how to use the Facebook Pixel. Check out which points you score well in and discover what you can still finetune!

Checklist: Be authentic when recruiting in social media

Authenticity in recruitment


When a job seekers sees you as a potential employer, they immediately get to work. So don't fake it till you make it, but instead be authentic in all your communication on your website and social media! Use our checklist to see if you score high on authenticity!

Simply recruit passive job seekers on social media

93% of our users have no marketing experience.

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