Testimonial: Brussels Airport


Brussels Airport

Sometimes, clients want to outsource the heavy-lifting of their recruiting process. That’s where a handy recruiting partner comes in. Working with sympl is more than just a ‘collab’, it’s actively using technology to boost your recruitment campaigns by helping your vacancies reach the right candidates. Let us break it down for you in this blog post with our latest client success story: Brussels Airport!

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of vacancies filled


of vacancies filled


vacancy page visits
of vacancies filled



About Brussels Airport

Brussels Airport is the Brussels, Belgium international airport, and it ranks at the 24th busiest airport in Europe. With over 950 employees, they facilitate and receive flights from all over Europe and the world.

Company size: >1000 employees
Industry: Airlines

Getting to know the client 👋🏻

Brussels Airport was looking for recruiting technology to help unburden them of getting enough influx on their vacancy and reaching the right candidate. This way, Brussels Airport could focus on screening candidates and other ‘daily’ tasks. Brussels Airport understood that recruitment takes time –and who better to help than the sympl software?

So, Brussels Airport signed up to the sympl software and filled out their intake form to their heart’s desire. Here, they specified their general information, the profiles they were seeking, the target location and what their ideal candidate looked like, as well as a ‘wishlist’ of what they wanted to get out of our collaboration.!

This campaign helped Brussels Airport hire 8 project managers in under 10 weeks.  But it also worked to boost their employer brand, having over 566,000 impressions on the job ad, and over 2,400 visits to their vacancy page. How did we do this? Keep on reading!

So we got to work!

In making Brussels Airport’s campaigns, we needed to take into account their branding guidelines. Which is why we crafted Brussels Airports campaigns with all their branding elements: such as their logo, color scheme and tone of voice.

Next, with the magic of the sympl software, we set up two recruitment advertising campaigns for Brussels Airport in two different languages. Brussels’ Airport wanted multilingual project managers –so we launched two campaigns, one targeted towards French speakers in Belgium, and the other, towards Flemish speakers. 

There were several things we needed to take into account when targeting candidates: candidates needed at least 5 years of experience in construction, at least a Bachelors’ degree, andthe ability to seamlessly coordinate technical projects. In short, Brussels Airport needed the right set of eyes to fall upon the recruitment ad! 👀  

With that said, our goal is always to target both active and passive candidates. Because passive candidates make up about 80% of the workforce. As opposed to the 20% of candidates that are eagerly and actively looking for a new job - passive candidates are where your next hire is at. So, we got to work: our software and algorithm tested different visuals and videos for Brussels Airport’s recruitment campaigns on Facebook & Instagram, in order to gauge which were the best in attracting passive candidates. Here’s a sneak peek of what their campaign material looked like 🔥:

video ba

Facebook video ad

visual ba

Instagram story ad

The next step was to create a top notch vacancy page. We created a vacancy page carefully tailored to what Brussels Airport indicated in their original intake form, with all the information needed to hook the best candidates in the game ✨. Here at sympl, we build vacancy pages to answer the following questions: ‘What is expected from the candidate?,’ ‘What can candidates expect?,’ and, because life is a series of give and take, ‘What does the company offer?’.

These key questions aim to provide candidates with key insights on the position, and, simultaneously, on the profile that the company is looking for. The vacancy delves into the tasks, responsibilities, and expectations of the job, as well as the perks and benefits of the position. Candidates can also get a clear idea of who the employer is, what they do, and what they stand for 🚀. 

Landing page example for a vacancy

On average, the Flemish vacancy page received over 1,200 visits, and so did the French vacancy page –meaning that Brussels Airport got over 2,400 visits on their vacancies. Not only that, but visitors spent an average of 11:19 minutes on the page. 

More numbers, you ask? Our pleasure: The average clickthrough rate (CTR) to the application chatbot was about 9,85%. The numbers speak for themselves! 🔥

At sympl, candidate experience comes first. All our vacancy pages are mobile friendly. In fact, for Brussels Airport’s vacancy, over 59% of applications came from mobile devices. Cool, right? 

The not-so-mystical power of the sympl software

There’s a few things that made the sympl software deliver results for Brussels Airport. Here’s the run-down on some of them:

  • First things first, there are no surprises on how the sympl software spends your budget. Clients can count on full transparency and follow up of how their budget is being spent on each campaign –and what results it yields! In fact, the budget overview clearly shows how much has been spent per ad visual and on which platform. This is exactly how we provided Brussels Airport with full transparency on which of their ads performed best. 

dashboard - Brussels Airport
  • sympl’s algorithm will optimize your campaigns in real time .. Essentially, the intelligent algorithm automatically allocates more of the client’s budget to the campaigns that perform the best. We use A/B testing to determine which ad visual or video performs better –we’ve got you covered in that regard 😉. With Brussels Airport, we got to work. In Flemish, we tested 8 advertising variants for Facebook and 5 for Instagram. Our average CTR (remember, that is short for Clickthrough Rate) was 0.48%. In French, we tested 12 advertising variants for Facebook and 6 for Instagram. The CTR was also similar to the campaigns in Flemish, with 0.44%. 

  • The sympl software provides clients with access to a chatbot with which they can screen applicants immediately. Clients are provided with several ‘standard questions’, and can also contribute their own. For Brussels Airport, Flemish campaigns received 35 applications (CTR ofof 2.9%), and French campaigns received 41 applications (CTR of 3.4%). The chatbot provides a more dynamic and interactive alternative to just having applicants upload their CV!

  • With that said, the software also provides clients with an easy to use Candidate Management Tool. Think of it as a dashboard, where you can see all applicants, their responses to the chatbot, and what stage they are in the recruitment process. Not only that, but the sympl software allows several members of the same recruitment team to manage candidates individually. Colleagues can then leave notes for other recruiters of their team, and color-code candidates for selection. 

CMS brussels airport

Brussels Airport was also able to send automatic mails from the software, with provided mail templates that they could adjust to their needs. This made screening and following-up on candidates easier than ever before.

The bottom line

It’s not a sympl successful campaign without data points 😉 Here is the final breakdown of where Brussels Airport found their future project managers:

  • 36 applicants came from Facebook

  • 15 came from Instagram

  • And 18 from LinkedIn

And while social media is our star, our software also automatically puts your vacancy live on traditional job boards. Here are the numbers from those:

  • 2 applicants came from Belgie Vacature Groep

  • 2 from Indeed

  • And 7 from VDAB

This is further proof that recruiting on social media = accessing a greater pool of (passive) candidates. And reaching those passive candidates is what’ll get your next vacancy filled! 

So, the bottom line? sympl can be your next recruiting partner. If you’re looking to boost the reach and influx of your vacancies, you’ve come to the right place. 

This above? 👆🏻 It’s just a sneak peek at the wonders of the sympl software, you should try out the sympl 14-day free trial. You can access it here. 

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